Principal’s Message
Promise Academy II Lower Elementary

Dear Parent / Guardian:
I would like to welcome our new incoming scholars as well as our returning scholars to a new and exciting school year! Promise Academy II provides an exceptional education for all of our students. Our goal is to not only provide the academic rigor necessary for our continued success, but we also strive to emphasize character education and good citizenship.
The administration and our team of teachers are dedicated to our students, and providing a safe and caring learning environment. The staff and I are honored that you have entrusted your child’s education to us. We look forward to the same high level of commitment from our students and parents in the upcoming year.
Remember, parents play a vital role in the school community. We are partners in your child’s education. We ask that you support us by adhering to the following policies:
- All students must wear the full school uniform on a daily basis. Uniforms will be checked by administration and the deans each morning.
- The school day begins at 8:00am. After 8:05am students are considered late. If a student is tardy three times without providing adequate documentation, it will be marked as an absence. This can also impact monthly trip opportunities for your child.
- As part of our effort to promote healthy eating habits, our wonderful chef, Andrew Benson, provides healthy meals for our students. For that reason, we enforce a “No Outside Food” policy.
If you have any questions, feel free to call and speak with Ms. Goggins in the Office Manager at (646) 556-6285. Please do not hesitate to stop by and introduce yourself or contact me at (917) 492-1481.
Yours in Education,
Sheryl Ragland